Books to enlighten, provoke thought, and entertain readers of every type.
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Uh Oh, Life Is Not An Accident
Imagine being faced with the decision of whether or not to let go of absolutely everything and everyone you have ever known, even yourself. The experiences related were so real, vivid, and intense the man insists he was physically there. With humor and critical thought, having a look into his own mental mirror, asking real questions and getting real answers the author is sharing what these experiences taught him about him and life itself. Here is a guide and reference for everyone no matter their age.

Sea Of Efil
This is a voyage that everyone takes. There are storms but, thankfully, the times of calm and peace outnumber the storms. We must carefully choose the ship we travel on. There are opportunities to change ships if we do not like the accommodations. This is an analogy of life for everyone, young or old. The biggest surprise is the end.

The Birth of Whitherton
Book 1 of 3
The Barbary pirates threatened the shores of the British Isles. Felix, Ebeneezer, and Michael with their families started in their wagons to find a safe haven. It was supposed to be a short few days. Their experiences and mishaps could happen to anyone. A few days turned into weeks. Could they survive? What really lay at the end of their trip?

Whitherton Adventures With Jacob
Book 2 of 3
Jacob Anglar’s first voyage on an 18th century ship was supposed to be peaceful delivering emergency supplies. It became a series of struggles against man, nature, and even time, seeing other men maimed and killed. He had a crushing burden on his heart and mind concerning his wife and their marriage.Jacob’s home was in the village of Whitherton, England. His neighbors made life interesting. He lived normalcy, mystery, and intrigue.Welcome to the England of the late 1700s seen through a different lens.

The Search for Whitherton
Book 3 of 3
David Thornberry lived in a turbulent, dangerous world in which he found a treasure of inestimable value. How to obtain and secure it was his death defying challenge. Among sailing ships and ports were both friends and enemies. Only time would tell who would or who would not help him. Would you?