Richard Phipps
Born in Baltimore, Maryland in 1941. Attended schools in the Baltimore public system until graduation from Baltimore Polytechnic High School. Richard served in the US Air Force from 1961 to 1965, three of those years stationed in England. Married to Larine Huett in 1968, their matrimony led to a family of four boys, Edward, Michael, Richard Jr., and David.

The sons increased the family to eight grand children and four great grand children. Sensing the call of God, he attended Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky graduating in 1975.
He was ordained to the ministry in 1973 and served as pastor in churches in six states, some on a part time basis.
The necessity of secular jobs at times, led him into a variety of positions including many positions such as being a vehicle Mechanic and Salesman for a variety of businesses. Richard and his family moved to Florida in 1985. Richard continued in various jobs, finally retiring in 2008. Richard and Larine continue to enjoy life in the warm and welcoming state of Florida,but have continued to travel, visiting family and seeing the sights across Florida and the greater US. Circumstances as of late, generally keep him mostly at home, however, thanks to the internet, he continues to expand his knowledge.